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AYGF has been at the forefront in the fight against human trafficking and rehabilitation of its victims in Nigeria and around West Africa Sub-region for over 16 years.

Between 2019 and 2020, AYGF with funding from International Organisation for Migration (IOM) conducted Training of border operatives on respecting the rights of migrants as well to sensitizations on dangers of human trafficking.

AYGF has worked closely with the defunct Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa, ECOWAS and the now National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and IDPs in 2005 to organize most successful Africa Migration and Integration Conference in Abuja, Nigeria with delegation from all the African countries.

AYGF has also implemented Spanish Fund for Migration through ECOWAS. The project included community advocacy, capacity building on ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol particularly for border communities, among its achievement include the repositioning of stakeholders on prevention of TIPs and SOMs through enhanced response and prevention tactics using border towns.

Currently, AYGF is a member of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Migration management in Nigeria, Stakeholders’ Working Group on Border Management, Migration Data, Return, Readmission and Reintegration (RRR), Labour Migration, Diaspora, as coordinated by relevant Government Ministries and Agencies. AYGF was part of the Expert Team in the review and validation of the National Migration Profile 2019.

  • AYGF successfully implemented the Extension of Labour Inspection Activity and Labour Law Enforcement to Sectors and Places where Migrant workers or victims of human trafficking may be present in Nigeria in the year 2019-2020, the project was funded by the European Union Through the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and implemented in tandem with the Federal Ministry of Labour and employment (FMLE) and the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS).

The major objective of the project was to carryout base line survey to ascertain the level of compliance and conformity of Labour law enforcement in the Country vis-a-vis the migrant workers in Nigeria and access how that has impacted on the welfare and wellbeing of migrant workers in Nigeria in the context of implementation and compliance with National Policy on Migration, National Policy on Labour Migration and other International Labour conventions and treaties.

The project was successfully completed and the final project report has been published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), copies of the report will be disseminated strategically in libraries, Ministries, Agencies and Schools for public knowledge and research for the report is the first of its kind in the history of Nigeria.
    • AYGF in the year 2020- and 2021, implemented the Migration Information and Communication Campaign Phase I &II respectively (MICC Nigeria) with funding support from the German Government, the project objectively aimed at advocating and creating awareness on dangers of Irregular Migration, Trafficking in Persons (TIPs), and smuggling of Migrants (SOMs).
  • The ECOWAS SEE Project: The SEE Project was jointly implemented by Africa Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF) and Activating the Lost Dream Foundation (ALDF) and funded by ECOWAS and the Spanish Fund on Migration.

The project sought to combat the ignorance of the ECOWAS Free Movement Protocol as a critical factor reinforcing trafficking in persons (TIP) activities in Idiroko border community through sensitization of community residents especially women and children on the dangers of human trafficking. Appreciating the critical role of women in societal development, the project also empowered a population of women within the community through entrepreneurship and vocational skill acquisition trainings.

The training focused on vocations such tailoring and fashion designing, computer and secretarial service delivery, hair dressing, baking and bead making. Sequel to the training, beneficiaries were guided and empowered (through donation of equipment and award of seed funding) to establish small scale businesses (vocations).
  • The “Annual African Youth Peace and Development Conference” was hosted by different African Countries of which we practically consolidate the Africa’s present against its future through pragmatic youth development initiatives. It has been successfully hosted in Nigeria for 2005, 2006.


Upon successful implementation of the Migration Information and Communication Campaign (MICC Nigeria I) in 2020, AYGF was engaged for the second time by same German Government through Federal Foreign Office to replicate the same objective as in the pilot, to deliver improved awareness and higher level of understanding on the dangers and implications of Irregular Migration including Trafficking-In-Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in the Country.

The project has Delta state and the FCT as the focus, has an Online Debate/Quiz Competition, Road Show, Town Hall meeting, Social Media and Traditional Media campaigns including the use of select number of celebrities as key outreach strategies.

It succeeded in mainstreaming issues on irregular migration within 18-35 year old demography who are most vulnerable to irregular migration and trafficking and all the dangers associated with it. Through this project a total number of 7,650,000.00 million Nigerians were sensitized on the dangers of irregular migration and regular pathways.

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